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Papers by Author

This collection of papers is the proceedings of ICASP12, the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering held in Vancouver, Canada on July 12-15, 2015. The papers are published in cIRcle, the Digital Repository of the University of British Columbia, and each paper is assigned a digital object identifier, DOI. To find the DOI for a specific paper, click on that paper below to open it and then scroll down to the metadata. You may also notice the metadata inaccurately says that the papers are “Unreviewed.” That is because the “Reviewed” label is reserved for journal papers; in actuality abstracts and full papers were peer reviewed. 556 abstracts were submitted, 430 abstracts were accepted, 371 papers were accepted, and 290 papers were ultimately published. If you prefer to reference this collection by an ISBN number then the book of ICASP12 papers has the ISBN number 978-0-88865-245-4. If you have any questions, please contact the editor T. Haukaas at terje@civil.ubc.ca.

Abdallah, 223
Abe, 250
Adegbola, 279
Agarwal, 635
Aïssani, 606
Akhavan-Tabatabaei, 419
Al-Hussein, 202
Alderson, 344
Alfaro, 122
Alibrandi, 633
Alison, 107
Alotta, 566
Ambühl, 231
Ancheta, 550
Ang, 593
Aoues, 580
Asenov, 394
Aspinall, 341
Asrurifak, 637
Astroza, 479
Atkinson, 353
Au, F.T.K., 367
Au, S.-K., 245, 261
Baecher, 102, 122, 353
Baker, 178, 224, 268, 452
Bakhshi, 520
Balafas, 428
Balesdent, 220
Balomenos, 200
Baradaran Shoraka, 258
Barbato, 616
Barberis, 493
Bari, 603
Barker, A., 254
Barker, K., 163
Bastidas-Arteaga, 247, 419, 528, 580
Batou, 270
Bazant, 557
Bazzurro, 583, 584
Beck, A.T., 151, 152
Beck, J.L., 478
Becker, 365
Beer, 107, 131, 155, 157, 172, 190, 314, 420
Behmanesh, 576
Bergmeister, 318
Beyer, 246
Bezak, 324
Biondini, 108
Bisby, 341
Blass, 210
Blatman, 573
Bobby, 577
Bocchini, 443
Bolle, 444
Bonnet, 528
Bonstrom, 142
Botha, 124
Botte, 214
Bourinet, 529
Brandner, 218
Brandrud Næss, 597
Bratulic, 218
Breitung, 160, 356
Brevault, 220
Breysse, 316
Brilly, 324
Broggi, 155
Browne, 573
Bründl, 263
Bucher, 566
Cao, M., 230
Cao, Z., 143, 291
Caprani, 642
Cárdenas Gallo, 419
Carozza, 317
Carrillo-Bueno, 654
Casas, 123
Casciati, 575, 575
Caspeele, 214
Castanier, 247, 435
Caulfield, 158
Cavaco, 123
Cavalieri, 309
Champion, 404
Chateauneuf, 580, 606, 615
Chatzi, 501
Chen, Changkun, 281
Chen, Cheng, 147
Chen, Hongzhi, 590
Chen, Jianbing, 459
Cheng, 650
Ching, 532
Chioccarelli, 236
Cho, 226
Choi, 321
Chouinard, 423
Christian, 102
Christou, 443
Chudoba, 384
Chun, 495
Cimellaro, 274, 493
Cocke, 277
Collette, 400
Comerford, 131
Conte, 479, 526
Cordeiro, 573
Corotis, 137, 142
Courage, 513
Crowley, 583, 584
D’Angelo, 621
D’Ayala, 323, 343
Dabaghi, 402
Daganzo, 111
Dai, 336
Dan, 256
Dann, 251, 252
Dawson, 398
De, 594
de Angelis, 420
De Leon, 273
De Luca, 380
De Risi, 192, 317, 399
DeBock, 391
Decatoire, 259
Defaux, 255
Deierlein, 452
Delé, 276
Demissie, 125
Deng, 353
Deniz, 507
Deodatis, 162
Der Kiureghian, 135, 402, 405, 460, 494
DesRoches, 298
Di Matteo, 566
Di Paola, 566
Diamantidis, 171, 522
Didier, 276
Dimitrov, 372, 373
Dittes, 364
Dolšek, 333
Dong, 106
Dudek, 558
Dueñas-Osorio, 442, 281, 379, 456, 483, 489
Dumont, 246
Dunn, 344
Dupuits, 368
Dyanati, 424
Ebrahimian, 307, 479
El Hajj, 247
El-Khoury, 433, 437
El-Soueidy, 244
Elachachi, 259, 316, 461, 533
Eliáš, 648
Ellingwood, 205, 225
Elwood, E.D., 137
Elwood, K.J., 258
Enright, 239
Esfandiary, 425
Esteva, 273
Faber, 605, 617, 618, 620, 621
Fairhurst, 266
Fan, 387
Faravelli, 575
Feltrin, 246
Fénart, 246
Feng, 314
Fenton, 504
Fereshtehnejad, 426
Fink, 349, 370
Fontaine, 606
Ford, 398
Franchin, 309, 638
Francis, 425, 434
Frangi, 370
Frangopol, 106, 108, 407, 502
Frese, 210
Gaetani d’Aragona, 258
Galanis, 402
Galasso, 320, 344, 354, 380, 397
Galvan, 635
García-Fernández, 323
Gardoni, 359
Garrè, 388, 558
Gaspar, 257
Gastaldi, 579
Gavin, 323
Gehl, 323, 343
Gehlen, 332
Ghannad, 492
Ghosh, 442
Ghosn, 119
Giaralis, 514, 538
Gidaris, 134
Giorgio, 236, 237
Giovinazzi, 309, 330
Goda, 148, 192
Gokkaya, 452
Gomes, 215
Gómez, 456
Gong, 624
González, 379
Gosling, 133
Goulet, 135
Goursaud, 573
Graham-Brady, 612
Grant, 113
Grayson, 476
Griffiths, 504
Groden, 400
Guedes Soares, 257
Guerra, 122
Guest, 275
Guillaume, 529
Gupta, 224
Gustafsson, 264
Habibullah, 656
Hackl, 121
Hajializadeh, 338
Hajjar, 507
Haldar, 202
Hanea, 269, 444
Harajli, 453
Harris, 391
Hart, 309
Hartzell, 436
Hawchar, 244
He, Jingran, 459
He, Minjuan, 265
Heijer, 444
Heo, 433
Holicky, 171, 522
Hong, H.P., 387, 525
Hu, Xiaofei, 111
Hu, Yu-Gang, 532
Huang, Hongwei, 590
Huang, Qindan, 424
Huang, Wen-Chao, 156
Huang, Yong, 478
Huffman, 574
Hur, 429, 433, 450
Hutabarat, 637
Huyse, 251
Iervolino, 236, 237
Ioannou, 341
Iooss, 573
Irsyam, 637
Itoi, 185, 250, 321
Ivey Burden, 438
Jäger, 444
Jalayer, 307, 317, 399
Jamieson, 161
Jennings, 179
Jensen, 131
Jeon, 298
Jiang, 530
Jiménez, 323
Jockwer, 264
Johnson, E.A., 594
Johnson, T.J., 277
Jones, A.S.T., 161
Jones, S., 261
Juang, 624
Kabir, 180
Kang, 184
Kareem, 577
Kariyawasam, 653
Kasinos, 639
Katz, 537
Kazantzi, 581
Kessler, 332
Khelif, 615
Khoshnevis, 445
Kim, Chunggil, 433
Kim, Hwanpyo, 139
Kimura, 331
Kirane, 557
Kiremidjian, 428
Klippel, 370
Klutke, 415
Ko, 309
Koduru, 361, 472
Koh, 633
Kohiyama, 337
Kohler, 121
Köhler, 349
Kojima, 588
Kolter, 484
Komey, 353
Konakli, 159
Kongar, 330
Kosgodagan, 435
Kougioumtzoglou, 128, 131, 157, 514
Kramer, 231
Kroetz, 152
Kusanovic, 131
Lacaze, 220
Lam, F., 265, 294
Langlois, 423
Large, 316
Lataniotis, 223
Lazarov, 373
Le Gat, 316
Le Gratiet, 573
Leahy, 239
Lee, Ji Y., 205
Lee, Young-Joo, 184, 226
Legeron, 423
Leira, 597, 598
Letchford, 271
Lewis, 190
Li, Binbin, 135, 405
Li, Dianqing, 291
Li, Gong-Bo, 182
Li, Jian, 281
Li, Jie, 459, 521, 530, 544, 578
Li, Minghao, 265
Li, Yong, 526
Li, Yuan, 294
Li, Yue, 197
Li, Zheng, 265
Liao, 455
Liel, 391, 404
Lin, 458
Lind, 618
Liu, Junwei, 612
Liu, Ke, 359
Liu, Wei, 256, 521
Liu, Zhangjun, 256
Lombardo, 639
Lopez, 273
Lopez-Garcia, 134, 146
Loth, 268
Low, 634
Lu, Da-Gang, 182
Lu, Dongliang, 361
Luco, 404
Lupoi, 638
Luque, 491
Mack, 390
Mackie, 154
Madanat, 111, 272
Maes, 160, 252
Mahin, 274, 493
Mahsuli, 492, 520
Mai, 187
Malavisi, 493
Malings, 541
Maljaars, 435
Manfredi, 258, 307, 317, 399
Manning, 344
Marelli, 209
Marjanishvili, 537
Markhvida, 178
Marques, 584
Martin, 624
Martinez-Pastor, 158
Martins, João, 246
Martins, Luís, 584
Maurice, 573
Mavroeidis, 127, 134
Mayorga, 131
Mbuya, 317
McAllister, 651
Medaglia, 379
Medury, 272
Meijers, 513
Melchers, 297
Memarzadeh, 484
Mendoza, 436
Mensah, 489
Miano, 399
Micic, 394, 565
Mikoš, 324
Miller, 178
Minas, 320
Miraglia, 513
Mirzaei Rafsanjani, 248
Mirzaie, 492
Missoum, 220
Mitseas, 157
Mo, 387
Moaveni, 576
Modena, 579
Moehle, 402
Mojsilovic, 194
Mondoro, 407
Morales-Napoles, 435
Mori, 588
Moura, 190
Moustapha, 529
Mudd, 271
Muderrisoğlu, 440
Mulia, 637
Munoz Zuniga, 389
Murangira, 389
Murphy, 254
Næss, A., 282, 597, 622
Næss, O.E.B., 597
Naghibi, 504
Nagel, 194
Natarajan, 223
Nazari, 197
Neves, 123
Ní Choine, 323
Nicholson, 163
Nielsen, 207
Nishida, 321
Nishimura, 475
Nogal, 158
Noto, 638
Novak, 646
Nussbaumer, 621
O’Connor, 158, 323
O’Mahoney, 390
OBrien, 239, 338
Øiseth, 282
Opeyemi, 172
Ozaki, 588
Padgett221, 442
Pagani, 212
Pakrashi, 254
Palmeri, 639
Pandey, 200, 536, 650
Pang, W., 199, 476
Papakonstantinou, 162
Paredes, 483
Parisi, 354, 397
Patelli, 155, 172, 190, 245, 314, 420
Patev, 122
Paulino, 359, 495
Pedrosa, 151
Peek, 179
Pei, 199
Pellegrino, 579
Peng, 578
Perdrizet, 389
Phoon, 249, 532, 634
Pinelli, 277
Pirrotta, 566
Polese, 258
Porter, 581
Power, 239, 323, 338
Pozzi, 484, 494, 541
Pregnolato, 397, 398
Proske, 408
Prota, 258, 399
Qin, Jianjun, 154, 617
Radhika, 396
Raghunandan, 404
Rahimi, 520
Raimbault, 536
Rajagopal, 428, 455
Ramirez-Marquez, 163
Ravichandran, 199
Reid, 622
Renaud, 316
Retief, 124, 171
Reynolds, 238, 655
Rezaei, 423
Rezaeian, 436
Riascos-Ochoa, 415
Richardson, 147
Ringhofer, 218
Rochinha, 145
Rockafellar, 453, 464
Roke, 424
Rokneddin, 442
Rønnquist, 282
Roscoe, 269
Rosowsky, 271, 363
Rossetto, 192, 320, 330, 341
Rossi, 579
Royset, 453, 464
Ruiz, Rafael O., 146
Ruiz, Sonia E., 654
Rush, 341
Ryan, Hezareigh, 147
Ryan, Paraic C., 114
Rypl, 384
Sabella, 354
Sadiq, 125, 180
Sahraoui, 615
Salceda, 323
Salviato, 557
Sánchez-Silva, 379, 415, 419, 456
Sättele, 263
Scherb, 388
Schmuhl, 429
Schneider, 605
Schöbi, 116
Schoefs, 244, 247, 259, 528
Schweckendiek, 243, 368
Scott, 357
Sekimura, 250
Sengara, 637
Serrano, 264
Sessa, 439
Shafieezadeh, 298, 426, 429, 433, 437, 438, 450
Shahin, 603
Shan-E-Fatima, 656
Shibata, 475
Shields, 139, 275, 358
Shoeibi Omrani, 390
Shuku, 475
Sidi, 637
Silva, 583, 584
Skow, 361
Snoj, 333
Soize, 270
Soliman, 407
Song, 495, 497, 507
Sørensen, 207, 223, 231, 248, 620, 636
Soubra, 603
Spackova, 364
Spence, 465, 577
Spencer, 114
Spiridonakos, 501
Šraj, 324
Steiger, 264
Stern, 497
Stewart, J.P., 550
Stewart, Mark G., 113, 114
Stojadinovic, 154, 276
Straub, 263, 313, 364, 388, 491
Strauss, 502
Stuedlein, 574
Sudret, 116, 159, 187, 194, 209, 223, 529
Sun, Li, 276
Sun, Qianwei, 521
Sun, Xiaodan, 436
Sundar, 358
Swan, 107
Sykora, 522
Taborda, 445
Taerwe, 214
Taflanidis, 127, 134, 146, 538
Tahashima, 588
Takada, 321
Tamparopoulos, 318
Tanaka, 337
Tang, 249
Tannert, 266
Tao, 544
Teixeira, 257
Terzic, 274
Tesfamariam, 125, 148, 180, 638
Testik, 199
Thomas, 458
Thöns, 605, 617
Tien, 460, 494
Timashev, 172
Tolentino, 654
Tolo, 155
Tomasian, 316
Torrents, 391
Tran, 528
Tsuchida, 331
Unnikrishnan, 616
Valoroso, 439
Vamvatsikos, 517, 581
van de Lindt, 179, 197
Van Gelder, 323
Vidovic, 502
Viljoen, 124, 171, 238, 655
Vlachos, 162
Vořechovský, 384, 646, 648
Vrouwenvelder, 243, 618, 620
Walbridge, 536
Walter, 255
Wang, J.P., 103
Wang, Min, 279
Wang, Naiyu, 225, 230
Wang, Wei, 336
Wang, Yu, 143
Wang, Yue, 363
Wang, Z., 650
Waring, 107
Weatherill, 212
Wendner, 318, 502
Wilkinson, 344
Witteveen, 390
Wojtkiewicz, 594
Work, 497
Xiao, 291
Yalamas, 259
Yáñez-Godoy, 461, 533
Yang, J. G., 578
Yang, Jian, 119
Yang, Yang, 275
Yazgan, 440
Yeung, T., 247, 435
Yoshida, 188
Yu, 156
Yuan, 279
Yue, 593
Zambon, 502
Zanini, 579
Zhang, Jie, 590, 624
Zhang, Jing, 367
Zhang, Shenwei, 653
Zhang, Weili, 230
Zhang, Xiaoyue, 266
Zhang, Yuanjin, 128
Zhao, 143
Zhou, Chuangbing, 291
Zhou, Wenxing, 653
Zhou, Xiao-Yi, 133
Zhu, Minjie, 357
Zhu, Mu, 275
Zhu, Yi-Chen, 261
Zielinski, 353
Zio, 145
Zwirglmaier, 313